Casting The Future®
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More than 5000 different types of components developed for various industries

Vision, Mission & Strength

Our Vision

To emerge as a global market leader in foundry industry and a major player in each of our market segments worldwide by offering world class products. To build loyalty among both our employees & customers' through constant technological innovations within the bounds of quality work, customer satisfaction & knowledge-transfer.

Our Mission

  • Our mission is to be a reliable global business source for all foundry items such as Pumps, Valves, Mining, Power-plants & all other General Engineering sectors.
  • To build long-term relationships with our customers.

Our Strength

  • Lies in our ability to provide just-in-time delivery.
  • Superior Sand Casting quality adhering to various National & International Standards.
  • Flexibility in planning and development of Samples for approval.
  • Lies in continuous improvement constant learning is supported by the Company-wide Knowledge Management Program.


See Our Company Profile
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  • Pouring around 100+ various alloys
  • Special alloy castings grades can be developed as
    per the specific requirement of customer
  • Reliability - Prompt Delivery - Consistent Quality - Reasonable Rates